When I started this adventure focus 100% to draw. My first success in Spain was dog illustrations. I sold 171 dog illustrations in a few months, it was a real boom. Years later I made a charity collection "Dalmatian War" where I donated part of the profits to animal shelters, it was a complete success.
And now? 5 years later, the same thing is happening. Someone commissioned me to make a French Bulldog in A3 format and it has unleashed a wave of commissions. And then, that's when my new idea appeared.
I'm going to make a book. A book of illustrations of (real) dogs that you commission me to make and all of them will wear a black and white striped collar. The illustration, name and any anecdotes that you tell me will appear in the book. I will also take some models, especially dogs that I find on the street and that catch my attention, they will be for sale.
There will also be an autobiography section where I will tell how I decided to dedicate myself to this, because it was and continues to be quite an adventure.
Phase 01: Full-body dog illustrations in different sizes. If you order in A3 size, I will give you a framed A5 print for free.
(I will post prices soon)
Phase 02: Paw Prints. I found a book in a bookstore where they talked about the metacarpal pad of dogs. There are 6 types. You can identify and order the paw print and in case your dog has passed away, I have made a little game where you can determine the personality of your canine through the paw print. You select the personality and I will identify it with its paw print. These paw prints will also appear in the book.

Conditions: The blind presale as the online sale is the framing included in the price. In the blind pre-sale VAT will be included while in the official sale VAT will be excluded. Pre-sale shipping costs are covered by the author, online sales will be excluded. The author is responsible for any damage that the frame and glass may have received and responsible for replacing it. The return of the sheet will not be accepted in any case unless there are justified causes such as deterioration of the sheet.